
EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Therapy Session
Duration: 60 minutes
Format: online
What is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)?
EFT is an emotion management technique that involves stimulating acupuncture points on the body to release emotional tension.
It is a beautiful combination of acupuncture and modern psychology. It works with the energy system of the body, but without using needles, only by light tapping. At the same time, verbalization of problems or challenges is used, with attention to emotions.
The purpose of EFT is to remove tension and negative emotions about the situation we wish to resolve, leading to a balance of the energy system.
In what situations can EFT help?
EFT has multiple proven benefits:
- Reducing stress and anxiety
- Elimination of physical pain
- Improving mood
- Releasing past traumas
- Improving sleep
In addition to all this, EFT can be used successfully to overcome limiting beliefs or resolve blockages.
When it comes to relationships, we can work on limiting beliefs that keep us from the relationship we dream of, on emotional pain from our current or past relationships, on reducing stress from unpleasant relationship situations, or on feelings of loneliness and isolation that we may feel.
How does an EFT therapy session unfold?
We’ve focused on EFT here, but in these 60-minute therapy sessions we work with multiple techniques and methods, depending on your needs.
Working with EFT & Matrix Reimprinting requires more time in a session (compared to The Body Code or The Emotion Code), which is why we can only use EFT for your maximum benefit in one-hour sessions.
In reality, starting from the situation you want to solve, your preferences, but also depending on what comes to the surface during the session, we will work with EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, The Emotion Code, The Body Code, as well as other techniques, combining their benefits, to get the desired results, as quickly as possible.
Sometimes we work only with EFT & Matrixt Reimprinting, other times we start with releasing emotions from the Heart Wall, continue with EFT and finish with The Body Code, as it can help us decipher the body’s messages and balance what is most important at that moment.
How many sessions do I need and how often do we need to see each other?
Depending on the situation you want to work on and its severity, the number of sessions may be different. I recommend a minimum of 3 sessions to be able to work in depth.
The recommended frequency of sessions is 1 per week, but no more than 2 per week. If you feel the need to leave more space between sessions, it is also okay to meet every 2 weeks or once a month.
What is important to know is that the changes are felt immediately, right from the first session. Even if you haven’t solved the problem you want to work on in the very first session, there will be differences in how you feel, both physically and emotionally.
You can buy a session (60 minutes) or a package containing 3 or 5 sessions (60 minutes).
If this is your first time working with me, choose the first session with a special price.
I am Dorela Iepan, Emotional Coach, Certified Practitioner in The Belief Code & The Body Code & The Emotion Code, Certified EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, and author of the book “The Perfect Relationship”.
I bring together everything I have learned and my experience from over 1000 hours of 1:1 therapy and healing sessions to help people transform their lives and relationships and live a life of harmony, love, and happiness.
If you feel you resonate with me, I look forward to working together.

After making the payment schedule the session here. You can schedule the first session in the 3-month package with 15-minute sessions in a 30-minute slot.
Session Cancellation Policy
To respect everyone’s time and ensure efficient scheduling, please keep in mind the following:
- All sessions that are not canceled at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled time will be considered as used.
- For sessions canceled with less than 48 hours’ notice, I will conduct a remote session using the Emotion Code method. After the session, I will provide you with details about the process and the results obtained.
This policy is necessary due to a very full agenda. Last-minute cancellations do not allow other clients to benefit from that time to work with me. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
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