Couple Program


Couple Program (Emotional Healing Package for 2 Persons)

Everything we experience in our lives (including challenges or situations we don’t like) comes from an energy imbalance, caused by trapped emotions, beliefs, or energy blockages of any kind.
And most of them can be released, very easily.
Problems in a couple can be overcome even more quickly when both partners free themselves from blockages.

Buy the full couple package, which contains 12 sessions (individual and couple). We will work with a series of techniques that include Belief Code, Body Code, EFT & Matrix Reimprinting, and Emotion Code.

In addition, when you buy the package you will receive 2 copies of the book The Perfect Relationship.
After purchase, you can schedule sessions, one by one, over the next 6 months.

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Couples Program (emotional healing package for 2 people)

I always say that change starts with you. And that if you heal yourself, your relationship will change too.

And that’s because what you experience and what you see in your partner and in your interaction is related to your emotional baggage.

Is it enough for you to work alone?

It’s enough to change your reality, up to a certain point.

Because your partner also has his own baggage, his own captive emotions and beliefs that inevitably affect your relationship.

What if you both healed, at the same time, what prevents you from living the perfect relationship?

Because I already work with people who are in relationships, but separately, each with their own challenges and with a different pace of work, I have created a special package to support you in the process of relationship transformation.

No matter how things are now or how far away you are from your dream relationship, releasing emotional blocks will completely change the way you see the relationship and how you feel together.

What is included in the Couples Healing Program?

✔️ A 60-minute clarity session – we’ll discuss how you work, your shared goals and get to know each other before we start together

✔️ One individual session for each of you – we will set personal goals and start working on identified blockages and imbalances

✔️ 2 sessions together, where we will work with Body Code and EFT

✔️ One individual session for each of you

✔️ 2 sessions together, where we will work with Body Code and EFT

✔️ One individual session for each of you

✔️ A closing session, together

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In all sessions, both private and in pairs, we will work, as necessary, with the Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code and EFT & Matrix Reimprinting. The techniques will be combined in the most appropriate way, depending on the answers that surface and your individual and couple goals.

All sessions last 60 minutes, and we set the schedule together.

In addition, there will be other techniques and methods integrated. It is a unique relationship harmonization package, customized and tailored to your individual and couple challenges.

How often should we see each other?

We will schedule the sessions to fit your schedule, but also my availability. The pace is up to you, but my recommendation is that the included sessions should be done at intervals of no more than 2 weeks.

There is no need to decide everything from the beginning. We will go step by step and schedule the next meetings as we work.


Have you read the book The Perfect Relationship? What about your partner?

The book The Perfect Relationship is a very valuable tool in this journey. It will help you set your intention for your couples healing program, help you create healthy habits that will sustain you throughout your work with me, and accelerate your path to success. If you have already read the book and apply the things in it, the process will be infinitely easier.

So, to make sure you get results quickly and effectively, I invite you both to read the book. To make things easier, upon purchasing the package you will receive 2 books and 2 workbooks, as a GIFT.


Buy the package and schedule your first clarity session to get to know eachother.

I am Dorela Iepan, Emotional Coach, Certified Practitioner in The Belief Code & The Body Code & The Emotion Code, Certified EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, and author of the book The Perfect Relationship.

I bring together everything I have learned and my experience from over 1000 hours of 1:1 therapy and healing sessions to help people transform their lives and relationships and live a life of harmony, love, and happiness.

If you feel you resonate with me, I look forward to working together.


After making the payment schedule the session here.

Session Cancellation Policy

To respect everyone’s time and ensure efficient scheduling, please keep in mind the following:

  • All sessions that are not canceled at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled time will be considered as used.
  • For sessions canceled with less than 48 hours’ notice, I will conduct a remote session using the Emotion Code method. After the session, I will provide you with details about the process and the results obtained.

This policy is necessary due to a very full agenda. Last-minute cancellations do not allow other clients to benefit from that time to work with me. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Réservez votre séance ici.

Informations complémentaires

Session Type

Package of 12 – 60 Minutes Sessions


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