- Access all the workshops only in 1 language
- Accès à tous les ateliers seulement en 1 langue
- Accesso a tutti i workshop solo in 1 lingua
Event Calendar
- * Events exclusives of the Community. The Membership does not apply to outside events.
- * Evénements exclusifs à la Communauté. L'adhésion ne s'applique pas aux événements extérieurs.
- * Eventi esclusivi della Comunità. L'iscrizione non si applica agli eventi esterni.
This membership gives you access to the group workshops I organize monthly in
one language. In this package you have included:
- 1 workshop per month in the language of your choice (value 36€)
- Access to recording of previous workshops
- (4 ateliers en français en 2024 - valeur 144€) et les ateliers de cette année (1 par mois) or
- (4 English workshops in 2024 - value 144€) and this year's workshops (1 per month) or
- (1 workshop in italiano in 2024 - valore 36€) e i workshop di quest'anno (1 per mese)
You can participate live in all the workshops of the month + keep access to the recordings for the entire membership period.