Information sur l'Abonnement

Vous avez choisi le niveau d'adhésion <strong>SILVER</strong>.

  • Access all the workshops only in 1 language
  • Accés à tous les ateliers seulent en 1 langue
  • Accesso a tutti i workshop solo in 1 lingua
Event Calendar
  • * Events exclusives of the Community. The Membership does not apply to outside events.
  • * Evénements exclusifs à la Communauté. L'adhésion ne s'applique pas aux événements extérieurs.
  • * Eventi esclusivi della Community. L'iscrizione non si applica agli eventi esterni.
  This membership gives you access to the group workshops I organize month by month in one language. In this package you have included:
  • 1 workshop per month in the language of your choice (value 36€)
  • Access to recording of previous workshops
You can participate live in all the workshops of the month + keep access to the recordings for the entire membership period.

Le tarif d’adhésion est de 20.00€ par Mois.

Avez-vous un code de réduction ?

Informations du compte

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Adresse de facturation

Dorela iEPAN