Cours: The Perfect Relationship – 28 days...


The Perfect Relationship – 28 days towards love πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

The Book

Text lesson



The sky is not the limit, it is just the beginning.

Unknown author


This book was born many years before I would even consider that I might ever write a book. I can say this because I have always wanted to write. I believe that I have been blessed with a special life and I wanted to inspire people with my successful experiences, and I could talk a lot about all of that, however this book is not about me. This book is about you and the story of your life. I also wanted to bring a ray of light into the souls of those I interact with, although for many years I wasn’t quite aware of what I was doing when I was succeeding in bringing light and peace in the souls of the others.

With a huge thirst for knowledge, I began to read more and more, my main interest being financial development, convinced that other areas of life are not as important. I’ve dived deeply into personal development books and, to my great astonishment, what I managed to create was the lover I always wanted. I certainly was not in search of a love story. My main goal at the time was to become a career woman, in control of her life, who does not depend on any man.

The way I met my husband was so full of magic that I was imagining myself writing a book and telling about how he appeared in my life, and I – in his life, because both stories are just as magical. Only a few days after our meeting, we just felt as if we’ve known each other forever, and our lives until then had been lived only to bring us together.

The way I’ve met my husband seems out of a happy ending fairytale. However, pretty soon, my interest focused only on professional development which prevented me from noticing how all my limiting beliefs about relationships were coming out and affecting my relationship. Slowly, I was adopting a pattern of relationships seen in others throughout my childhood. Even if I had seen relationships that seemed to be from romance movies, my relationship was shaping more and more into the pattern of a descending spiral, with beautiful moments interchanged with more frequent moments of frustration. Looking back to the relationship I had with my husband, I see a beautiful relationship, overshadowed by my limiting beliefs. I don’t know how much time you spent suffering because your relationship does not raise up to your expectations. I have felt this suffering in many relationships (not only in romantic relationships) and I have also noticed it in the relationships of others. We want an ideal relationship, we imagine what our relationship should look like, and then we suffer because reality does not live up to our expectations. Very often, the man himself states clearly and unequivocally that he has not offered and will never be able to offer the degree of involvement requested by his partner. Even though I feel lucky for everything my relationship with my husband has offered me, for all the good I received despite my constant desire to shake and spice up the relationship, I can’t help but notice how many years I had lived the exact opposite of my ideal relationship, that something that was desired from the bottom of my heart.

Over time, I kept on reading and applying everything I was learning. I kept on adding new instruments promising guaranteed results to my toolkit for a perfect relationship. Although the instructions were clear each time, something was missing and the results were short-lived. I felt that I was digging a gap between myself and the happiness of my marriage.

An important moment was the creation of a 30-day challenge to transform the couple’s relationship. I summarized what I had learned, setting all the steps I considered appropriate for creating harmony in a love relationship and then I had invited several women to join in a group and committed myself to send a daily message. Following this challenge, some women wrote to tell me what a meaningful impact my messages had on transforming their relationships. Although I was happy for them, for me the journey was not over. I was carrying emotional baggage that was forcing me to keep looking for answers.

Looking back, today I understand that nothing is random, and the reason behind my feelings of going down, instead of going up, was meant to give me the compassion and understanding I have today for every person that asks for my help. Although I don’t think I have to experience everything in order to be able to be empathetic, there are certain key moments that allow me to see the light in the darkness of each experience.

Emotional addictions come in many forms, and toxic relationships contain a great deal of fear and very little love. When fear is surrendered and love is expanded, the relationship changes so profoundly that the partners may even forget what was before, because there will be no blame standing in front of love. Thus, two years later, the first program of 28 days of live videos was born in a small community on Facebook.

When I awoke from the deepest abyss and found myself bathed in sunlight and surrounded by love, I told my husband that I wanted to share the blissful knowledge that I had discovered with the rest of the world. When I saw that the changes in our relationship were long lasting, I wondered how I can help even more people. How could I help each person to feel the deep love, the romantic relationship dreamed of by each of the partners, the harmony and the home that every child wishes to have when he comes home? The answer I received was to write this book.

I have to warn you before you continue reading. I am not a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst or doctor. I have not been a writer or public speaker so far. But a thought pushed me forward, a strong inner thought that told me I had an important message to convey: Buddha was not Buddhist, Jesus was not Christian. I want to bring on the spotlight the love in everyone’s hearts, and for that I must allow myself to step out on the stage and go out in the light.

Read this book at your own pace. I have provided 28 days to set up a lunar cycle, but if you feel comfortable reading this book at a different pace, adapt it to your needs. If you want the reading of this book to bring results in your life, I advise you to do the exercises I propose in each chapter every day. If, for one reason or another, you stop reading, continue the exercises of the last chapter, until you resume the reading of the book. Don’t let this book be a new book covered by dust in your library or on your nightstand. Allow yourself to live the life you truly deserve.

If you want to scale up to the next level after reading the book – in individual therapy and coaching sessions, respectively in group workshops, you are welcome to contact me. The topics presented in this book are deepened and complemented by many other techniques that are not described in the 28 days You are welcome to join my programs where we dig deeper in a more personalized kind of way.

Although initially I had planned this trip for 28 days, I want you to start with a first day of analysis before the preparations. Today is an important day for you. Because the next few days will shift your perspective about your relationship, you need to make an assessment of your life at this very moment. Along the way you will come back to the starting point and contemplate upon it. You need to be able to see where you started. Without this information it will be difficult to have a clear picture of the changes you are going through. Today is the day when I want you to turn your attention towards your life, to analyze how you see it now. Your life changes every day, but because you don’t pay attention to the transformations you go through, you are not aware of the differences that are occurring.

Prepare a diary (or use the Notebook that I have prepared for this journey) – it will be your loyal friend on this journey; in it you will find answers you did not expect and resources you did not know about. Now it is time to write down what your life looks like at this very moment. Write down about your feelings, about your experiences, about your pains. Write down the story of your relationship, describe your partner and your children. Write down the stories related to your ex relationships, if you still have triggering memories. Write down with details how you see your life today. What experiences bring you happiness, what experiences bring you sorrow, what are your greatest accomplishments at the moment? What would you like to do, what do you want to stop doing? All the details are important, and throughout the book I will remind you of this aspect. I suggest you write in this journal even things that you consider unrelated to the topic. If they come to mind right now, it means there is a message for you. There is a high chance that, by the end of this journey, the hidden message will be revealed, and you will contemplate the awareness that comes with it.

I want you to know how grateful I am for the time you are investing in reading this book!


See you soon!

Dorela iEPAN